2025-02-12 19:55:38 |
verified_user |
2025-02-09 11:45:23 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Logout redirection has no more redirection instructions except default
2025-02-06 14:35:35 |
tips_and_updates |
- Error logs view respects custom engine folder
2025-02-06 13:29:17 |
tips_and_updates |
- Fixed duplication in PSN
- Stats became core module
2025-02-02 10:16:26 |
tips_and_updates |
- Slug auto generator in pages module
- Fixed app links in htaccess when custom folder is specified
2025-01-20 14:47:53 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Included DB class and depreceated classic db() function.
- Forced JS escaping for all user inputs forcefully.
- Enhanced XSS protection.
2024-10-31 17:26:57 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-10-24 14:57:36 |
tips_and_updates |
- Support new shorthand API parameter (_t)
2024-10-15 20:13:26 |
tips_and_updates |
- Firebase PSN update function
2024-10-05 22:54:48 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-09-25 01:31:21 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-09-12 01:07:43 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Generate one time link for protected files.
2024-09-12 01:07:16 |
tips_and_updates |
- New layer of security for protected files.
2024-09-10 20:25:41 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-09-07 16:56:18 |
tips_and_updates |
- Firebase messaging upgrade to v1
2024-08-31 13:01:35 |
tips_and_updates |
- Fixed alternate meta links
2024-03-05 21:57:54 |
tips_and_updates |
- fix slugify() PHP function to include unicode
2024-03-04 10:06:39 |
tips_and_updates |
- PHP 8.3 upgrade curr() function fix
2024-03-02 12:14:29 |
tips_and_updates |
- File browser better support of file icons
- File icons now represents json and geojson files
2024-02-28 19:55:20 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-02-28 12:30:12 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-02-20 12:19:58 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
General security enhancementsURLs different structure maintaining old links for SEO status
2024-02-15 12:09:24 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- A robust upgrade, premium area, SEO powerful support.
2024-02-07 15:31:27 |
tips_and_updates |
- Disabled service workers to solve redirection issues on some devices
2024-01-22 15:09:39 |
tips_and_updates |
- Removed tinyMCE branding
- Disabled Service Worker Temporary
2024-01-16 11:35:15 |
tips_and_updates |
2024-01-08 14:18:54 |
tips_and_updates |
- Console.log of debugging multilingual modules now turned off
- Multi select drop down of modern style now respects the allow duplicates data tag
- Enhanced robots.txt blocking resources and other core files that means nothing to SEO
- View all multi files now show each file size
- Fixed $deg NULL warning in configFiles
- Added new option in settings called html_background_color, which applies in-line background-color style on html tag
- Error logs markers now have the log file, line, function name, arguments, moreover colored grass
- Slugify() PHP function no return null if text is empty
2023-12-28 15:02:55 |
tips_and_updates |
- Select field enhancement, to fully support modern select style
2023-12-28 11:00:14 |
tips_and_updates |
- Translations of view all lists now can be toggled as admin settings.
2023-12-28 09:01:04 |
tips_and_updates |
- Deleting and restoring now respects regenerating of fonts.css and htaccess files
- In text editors you can escape the current blocks by pressing escape on keyboard
- Import button now shows even if there are no data in view all
- Upgraded tinyMCE to 6.8
- TinyMCE default paste_as_text, it will clean all the markup coming
- You can now place code blocks, to be highlighted and formatted
- Hotfix for htaccess default language redirection
2023-12-26 21:28:48 |
tips_and_updates |
- Upgraded jQuery version to 3.7.1
- Enhanced auto meta generation, now redirects to 404 page when indicator not found
- Developer panel now have quick htaccess reset button
- Storage now lazy loaded in dashboard
- Legion Engine Status Report now lazy loaded in dashboard
- Statistics on dashboard can now be marked as to show or not on dashboard
- Statistics of dashboard are forced to be lazy loaded
- Reprogrammed fileFromLink() PHP function
- New PHP function l_loading(), calls an animated loading div
- New option in view all, allowing admin to view all translations no matter what the current panel language
- View all no longer showing preview link button if its not programmed in link handler module
- Removed error log button below bread module view files
- Import view now have new spec options: alternative_if_empty, na_if_empty
- Import model fixed input of skip row index
- Modified drop_ml() and drop() PHP functions to have where parameter default NULL
- Enhanced PHP functions filter_code(), getContents() to avoid warnings
- Developer panel > errors now have auto reload function for quicker debugging
- Fixed many warnings in controller
- Single file column in view all now shows file size in MB
- Removed parent & child div wrappers around videos in popMedia JS function, better viewing vertical videos in panels
- PHP function fileFromLink() warning solved and return false upon failure downloading the image
- PHP function dbs() no longer prints errors msg, but mark it in error log
- New shorthand of PHP function mark(): m(), both take new parameter to be printed before primary printable parameter
- Update module model enhanced fatal errors avoidance by checking possible deeper issues, mainly the from renamed tables duplication and searh_phrase column removal from recent Legion update
- A happy error log! started coloring some errors, for now all errors produced by dbs() and db()
- Enhanced activate_module coding, better error location identification
- Developer panel fixed autoload when close from keep running
- Developer panel added new section to investigate processes (XHRs), if the panel is open, it will show current processes, you can pin processes so they are not vanished when they are finished, clicking on a process it will show the requested data, in which can be rechecked to be copied, also a stop of all XHR of
- current web view/window/tab/screen.
- Submitter.js got a heavy re-engineering, giving custom variable names, added XHR control via array of XHR objects.
- Legion checker swapped from direct jQuery ajax to go through submitter.js
- New JS functions: l_btn_activate(), l_btn_deactivate(),l_btn_toggle() in which they control the appearance of the button, specifically the l_btn_active class
- New JS function: href_hard() that includes ___legion_xhrs_exit() first, then executed href()
- Panel core modules in menu removed core_indicator div into coloring the icon itself with sand color
- Panel menu re-engineered, now loads X2 faster, reduced panel pages load speed significantly
- Panel menu now includes a collapsed core modules menu with toggle
- Panel menu on search and clicking enter it will redirect you to the first link in the menu list
2023-12-16 16:56:24 |
tips_and_updates |
- Activate module view all table fix
- Welcome to the developer panel! In Legion admins have a new panel in the bottom right corner which will have a punch of tools, now it has the errors quick view
- Fixed view all for super admins multiple span anchors above column of type select
- Date created in view all screen now shows clock by default
- Fixed search in view all where it missed the id column filtration
- View all number of items per page now includes the default value in choices
- Opening any entry in edit/view mode now shows previous and next buttons
- Enhanced purl php function
- l_scroll JS function now supports choosing base element to be scrolled
- Module drop-down now can accept deep select field name by putting double dash before the field name in modular
2023-12-13 18:29:41 |
tips_and_updates |
- Solved warnings of admin_settings in controller
- Solved admin_settings on dashboard first time config of admin
2023-12-07 20:41:51 |
tips_and_updates |
- dbs function now throws error on failure
- Redesigned app links section in dashboard
- Next to save button in top bar, current id or next expected id is shown
- Entry details now also shows id of current entry
- Enhanced reset_admins
- Added new core module admin settings
- Module fields now have default value column
- Co PHP function now fills default values and takes the field to use in where statement
- When no entries in view all, a quick add button shows
- Removed module file upon generation, named: fields.php
- Fixed el PHP function default entry_id to NULL
- New widgets system for admins on dashboard
- New UI for legion status report
2023-12-05 23:58:53 |
tips_and_updates |
- Removed double viewports
- Search in view all have new options, like choose equal, bigger..etc for number and date values
- Search in view all support now checkboxes filtration
- No longer checks for a new version every 5 seconds, only once every panel load
- Error logs view, now have option to fully delete error log file, and differentiated the original action with word “mopâ€
- New material symbols as a replacement of material icons
- Enhanced cleanYT function to avoid PHP warning
- Refactored of reset_truncate.php, also included missed modules
- Dashboard now shows enhanced disk usage divisions
2023-12-05 11:57:39 |
tips_and_updates |
- a quick fix for websites on sub domain htaccess
2023-12-04 23:23:00 |
tips_and_updates |
- Force language redirect of home page
2023-11-29 21:06:31 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
2023-11-29 21:00:56 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Added XSS protection as standard
- Added setting of x-content-type by default
- Added STS restriction
- Secured cookies
2023-11-29 20:25:16 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Added X-Frame-Options to htaccess by default
2023-11-26 19:18:28 |
tips_and_updates |
- UI enhancements in add/edit views
- Edit view now shows date created and creator
- Entries logger to record primary actions by admins on entries, that is to show history of an entry
- Refined sitemap generator, added an analytical view for super admins (ProVision programmers only)
- Added JS function l_scroll(selector), to scroll to element in the same page
- Added PHP function str_containsa(string, array_needles)
2023-11-19 17:02:58 |
tips_and_updates |
- Automatic of conversion HEIC to JPG
- Enhanced htaccess redirection
2023-11-14 22:47:56 |
tips_and_updates |
- SEO enhancements http to https with 301 instead of 302 redirection
- CSP protection of eval js
2023-11-10 20:43:18 |
tips_and_updates |
- Removed search phrase from module_settings
- Search in view all screen re-engineered
- Removed paginationCore.php
2023-11-10 01:29:27 |
tips_and_updates |
- Increased time for checking for notifications in panel from 3 to 5 seconds
- Removed lazyCaller.js file, integrated with functions.js
- Import function became to every admin who has add privilege
- New layout option for dropdown multiple select
- Multiple select in dropdown now supports duplication of choices
2023-10-20 01:01:41 |
tips_and_updates |
- fixed dark mode toggle, no more need for a refresh for activation
- sitemap generator within the system
- added robots.txt to be auto generated within the system
- fixed canonical meta tag
- fixed meta language alternate links
- forcing Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
- 404 and 403 pages redirection area included by default
- Legion developers can create 404.php or 403.php to customize, they are automatically included in the legion_404.php and legion_403.php files
2023-05-06 02:58:10 |
tips_and_updates |
- Cluster feature for any module (beta)
2023-04-09 00:21:15 |
tips_and_updates |
- Function update of html() takes fonts
2023-03-21 18:03:46 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Enhanced security check on privileges.
2023-03-12 22:18:20 |
tips_and_updates |
- Now when a required file field is not filled, the form will scroll to it.
- Protected files now exposed if the user has privileges.
2023-02-23 23:21:42 |
tips_and_updates |
- Comments is now a built in functionality in Legion, and can be embeded in any page with PHP call and configuration
- PHP (pre) function has some styling now.
- Single view autogenerated now distinguishes group rows.
- Avoid strip_tags function warning.
- Front end now supports visibility matrix, and pre-front-view in general.
- Now backup functionality can be privileged via super admins to normal admins.
- Admin privileges now has a button to check all.
2023-01-13 17:35:34 |
tips_and_updates |
- New JS function: pop(), it takes any html
2022-12-11 14:29:40 |
tips_and_updates |
2022-12-04 14:32:12 |
tips_and_updates |
- Introduced OOP optional methodology of programming in Legion engine
- Introduced class Resp (ALPHA)
- Fixed d and dd function where sometimes they did not print the right values
- Fixed special characters in file name error upon uploading
2022-11-30 13:37:54 |
tips_and_updates |
- Added clock to date created column in excel exporting
2022-11-30 12:35:01 |
tips_and_updates |
- Fixed date created field in excel exporting.
- Moved input styling to reset.css, that is to free developers from strict CSS of input fields
- Moved sharedCSS file call from sharedFooter to sharedHeader
2022-11-21 13:55:52 |
tips_and_updates |
- New ow() function a shorthand for db()
- New field_html() function, call whenever you want to render a field quickly
2022-11-16 17:54:51 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- PHP: Replaced getCount function with gc name
- Statistics chart calculation is now faster by 90%
- Fixed navigation of media pop
- Improved directories protection
2022-11-15 16:10:13 |
tips_and_updates |
- Duplicate entry of database error now identifies which field
- Added JS function: href(url,target=blank)
- Introduced croner: cron scripts execution and customization
- Mailer now supports: From email, BCC and control to show site name in header or not
2022-11-13 23:36:38 |
tips_and_updates |
- Enhanced support of Whatsapp image preview on link sharing
- Fixed resizeImage function giving error on types other than jpg
- Added OG:locale meta tag
- Recolored buttons of view all view
2022-11-08 12:30:32 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- New JS toggler called (mass), a shortcut to control mass tab switches between blocks
- Sort mini view now is compatible with dark mode
- Now the user browser language is automatically set as website’s interface language
2022-10-31 10:03:18 |
tips_and_updates |
- Omitted usage.php file from all modules, as its now auto generated in Legion engine, thus better performance, less storage consumed and easier maintenance
2022-10-30 19:10:33 |
tips_and_updates |
- Safer auto update, as there will be an auto backup for panel folder that will delete itself if the update succeeded
- Legion core optimized for PHP 8.1, better performance
2022-10-29 19:36:50 |
tips_and_updates |
- New premium feature: cop images on the fly
- New dashboard info: disk space usage chart
- New PHP function: now(), its a shortcut for getting current date time
- NEW PHP function disk(), returns the disk used space for specific path
2022-10-27 22:21:39 |
tips_and_updates |
- Introduced Legion CSS framework (alpha stage)
- Front-end support to datetime field, before we had to separate date field and time field
2022-10-25 10:25:55 |
tips_and_updates |
- New login design
- Premium only: Enhanced XLS exported files cell borders
- Premium only: now you can select which entries to export as CSV, CSV as Database, or XLS
- Fully re-worked responsive panel
- New features to the stats module, stacked datasets in charts
- Update colorRange function to assign alpha degree
- Introduced PHP function mark(), used for marking custom logs in error log
- New PHP function: state() and stater(), the return the value as icon of true or false
- New PHP function: tdd() processes a database column for HTML data representation
- New PHP function: device() processes device type
- Introduced direct interaction between font-end of websites and mobile API without the need of processing the data differently from each other, the new function: api()
- AOS controlled by variable ($noAOS) existence
- Premium feature: mass change values of selected entries in any module (warning: irreversible once done)
- Solved material icons not resolving sometimes
- Increased the interval of live requests and now it checks if loading so no wasted AJAX requests
- Dark mode enhanced button appearance
2022-10-16 08:39:06 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- New PHP function circle image: circle()
- New PHP function place image above image: imgOnImg()
- New PHP function to clean strings from beginning and ending of empty inputs (spaces, new lines, tabs..etc): cs()
- Push notifications are cleaned from returns and recursions
- New feature: permanently delete selected trash items
- New custom file: custom_preViewFormEnd
2022-10-12 18:36:45 |
tips_and_updates |
- List view now shows slider for multiple photos
- Fav icon dark mode support
- Fixed media browser dark mode
- Support og:image:alt for social media sharing capability enhancement
2022-10-09 10:56:35 |
tips_and_updates |
- Allowed underscore for username fields
- Push notifications now saves payload in database for smart notifications
2022-10-07 17:40:48 |
tips_and_updates |
- PHP function: docurl() better handling of GET requests
- Limited update checks from every couple of seconds to one time per panel load
- Dark mode mechanism change
- Fixed notifier module where dropdown was showing error
- Upgraded panel notifications system to be smart, giving entries id, direct links, and custom title per action
- Premium functionality: panel notifications to send email automagically
- Language field is now required for admins
2022-10-04 21:37:53 |
tips_and_updates |
- Removed file radio_toggle.js
- Radio inputs new design, modules need update to take effect
- Dark mode enhancements
- Premium Functionality: Introduced dynamic statistics builder
- Success/Failure notifications redesigned
2022-10-03 02:18:54 |
tips_and_updates |
- Fixed panel menu width
- Dark mode privilege
2022-10-02 09:21:29 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Panel menu UX main change, no hover options but scrollable
- Added arrows in the working area for quick/shortcut scrolling
- Apps module fixed Android custom image
- Errors reporting page re-designed
- Errors reporting fixed empty function, now it re-writes errors without the need of restarting Apache
- New custom file: custom_meta.php
- Errors alerts now have a new option: warning
- For premium: New export option: export as database
- Enhanced handleResponse JS function, no longer prints undefined when background mode is on.
- The edit pop (aka: Quick Edit) fixed matrix handling
- NEW: dark mode for panel is introduced
- Validating required fields via PHP enhanced (update modules to take effect)
- Changed execution time label position
- Firebase push notifications is now supported (FCM)
- New PHP function: langFromID()
- Upgraded PHP functions: d(),dd() now prints random string if no variable passed
- FCM push notifications now respects the language user set to each device
- Upgraded (quick edit) in (view all page) now does not refresh the page, it immediately loads the new data
- Quick edit popup now does not take full window height
- Ellipses on long texts in view all page
- Function/API drops now sort items in ascending mode by default
- Removed modernizr webp, as webp is supported by most browsers by default
- New PHP function: drop_ml, which supports the language function in native iOS apps
- Fixed mailer module where it reloaded module action field with error
- New function: cod(), it overrides user inputs for security reasons
- Mobile numbers were showing 0 in view all page when they are empty, now it shows dimmed empty label
- Mailer now supports multilingual
- New PHP function: obfuscate_email()
- Changed the default resized photos for APIs from 1000px to 500px for better performance
2022-09-15 13:06:40 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Dashboard group titles UI change
- Fixed multilingual button sizes in panel
- New PHP function: dn()
- New CSS class: free_width
- Preview list changed checkbox from 0/1 to icon
- New PHP function: commer()
- Privilege function of admins module updated
- Modular now auto loads modules
- PHP function fc now checks for data
2022-09-09 13:14:38 |
tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Support HEIC and HEIV files.
- Version control new features and UI.
2022-02-11 21:23:00 |
bolt tips_and_updates verified_user |
- Major version
- Core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
3.3 |
2021-07-30 15:17:00 |
- Major version
- Core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
3.2 |
2020-03-19 21:16:00 |
- Minor version
- Minor core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
3.1 |
2020-01-01 17:46:00 |
- Minor version
- Minor core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
3.0 |
2019-05-01 16:00:00 |
- Major version
- Core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
2.0 |
2018-08-10 18:30:00 |
- Major version
- Core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
1.5 |
2017-06-24 09:52:00 |
- Minor version
- Minor core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX
1.0 |
2016-01-01 12:00:00 |
- Major version
- Core changes
- New functions
- New UI/UX